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Fig. 12 | International Journal of Health Geographics

Fig. 12

From: Epidemiology, risk areas and macro determinants of gastric cancer: a study based on geospatial analysis

Fig. 12

Interactive impact of risk factors on gastric cancer incidence in Gansu (X1, GDP; X2, Output value of first industry; X3, Output value of second industry; X4, Output value of third industry; X5, GDP per capita; X6, Number of medical institutions per 10,000 people; X7, Number of hospital beds per 10,000 people; X8, Number of health technical staffs per 10,000 people; X9, Altitude; X10, Slope; X11, Topography; X12, Agrotype; X13, Vegetational form; X14, Regional rainfall; X15, Ambient temperature; X16, Diurnal temperature variation; X17, Ambient humidity)

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